Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We the Taxpayers

What would happen if all the homeowners on Longboat Key formed a political pressure group? Let's say we call it Longboat Key Home Owners or LKHO, which might be pronounced much like the Spanish word for crazy "loco", and perhaps it is an unusual notion. However, how would such an organization alter the political landscape on Longboat Key?

LKHO would be the largest special interest group on the island by far. PIC has only a few members now, many of whom are involved with real estate, which is often reflected in PIC support of development on the island that would have been anathema to PIC members a decade ago.

LKHO would represent all property owners and give a voice to non-resident taxpayers that has never been available to them before.

LKHO could clearly define the interests of island property owners with a strong single voice. LKHO members could be effectively polled to ascertain views on tourist development, beach management, vision plan content, revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, development of the town's public lands such as Island Park and Quick Point and a host of other community functions.

LKHO could have an elected representative attending commission meetings and conveying LKHO's positions of various vital commission decisions. This representative would carry a big stick being the representative of a large majority of the community's taxpayers.

Currently the town is run by a town manager and a commission that is mainly composed of appointed or unopposed residents. Perhaps in a more vital political environment the commission might be more responsive to home owners. What I see presently is a great deal of commission discussion about how to fiddle with our long-standing land use codes to provide a way for the developers to expand their operations on Longboat without ending up on the losing side of court decisions. My idea of forming a homeowners political pressure group would force the current developer oriented commission to include all property owners in their discussions.

LKHO, if it came into being, would be a strong voice for those non-resident taxpayers who are presently disenfranchised. I can not see any other means of exerting force on the town government to become strong advocates of non-resident taxpayers. I see absolutely no discussion from the commissioners about the plight of homeowners and non-resident taxpayers. Instead of tightening the town's fiscal belt, the commissioners raised taxes at a time of almost universal economic distress and a devastating decline in home values.

Now the town wants to embark on a $50+ million beach renourishment program that many feel is unneeded and unwarranted. The $50+ will go directly to the bottom line on your taxes. Right behind that is the pension plan conundrum that has been kicked down the road for years by a commission that has never been able to get a clear understanding of what is at stake. What is at stake is a $30+ million ad velorum bond that will increase real estate taxes even more. When a town government encumbers its constituents with excessive taxes, the cost of living in that community becomes more expensive and less attractive to perspective home buyers.

LKHO may seem a bit crazy to some. To others it will be crazy like a fox. I believe it is time for our property owners to unit and become an effective part of the political process. If  you are tired of not having a voice in Longboat government, property tax increases and seemingly endless expensive bond referendums, you might think about becoming a little bit LKHO yourself.

If you feel that having a homeowner oriented political pressure group similar to LKHO is a good idea, add your comments to this article, talk to your neighbors. If enough homeowners express an interest in forming an organization them perhaps it will happen. I believe such a group would be good for our community.

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